If you are interested in hosting a Women Kind Ministries event, please contact Sharon Semmler at (623) 640-8768 or at [email protected].

Who is this hidden person of the heart and

Creatively Ministering To Women

Finding the freedom of a surrendered heart.

Who am I? Women struggle with this question and wonder what prevents us from knowing the real you and me.

1 Peter 3:4 shares, “let our adornment be the hidden person of the heart.” Just who IS this hidden person and what’s hiding her?

Women Kind Ministries helps answer this question through our presentation of The Supreme Makeover & “Fashion Show.”

This one-of-a-kind women’s event is comical and life changing. Original music, dialogue and an outlandish “Fashion Show” help women see what covers and hides the special person God created them to be and how to “take it off.”

Ever wonder what a garment would look like that represents pride, competition, bitterness, grumbling, or anger? Our models “wear” these issues and more!


Laurie Southwick

Victorious Christian Living, Int.

“The Supreme Makeover confronts the struggle and feelings that every woman around the world experiences but can’t express due to their fear of reputation. It was presented in a light-hearted and convicting way that gave the opportunity for God to move women to a place of repentance because of His loving kindness.”

Leslie Martin

Women’s Ministry Director
Calvary Community Church, Phoenix, AZ

“Sharon has a passionate heart for sharing the truth of God’s Word with women through drama, music, and speaking. The Supreme Makeover and ‘Fashion Show’ was a tremendous blessing to the women who attended. Even several months later, women have shared with me the beautiful work that God did.”

Michelle Benson

Desert Hills Fellowship

“The Supreme Makeover presentation held my complete attention from beginning to end. I was so impressed. Sharon’s unique ability to share God’s Word provides the perfect opportunity to reach all people for Christ.”