Supreme Makeover and Fashion Show
Women Kind Ministries presents The Supreme Makeover and “Fashion Show”, which helps women identify the problems we all struggle with in our daily walk. We believe this event is encouraging to the believer and a great tool for outreach
and evangelism.
Through our presentation, we will answer: “Who is this hidden person of the heart?” and more importantly, “What’s hiding her?” This is done with humorous dialogue, original songs and poems, and a fashion show that is both comical and convicting.
Who Are You?
Have you ever wondered what a garment would look like if it represents issues such as pride, control, bitterness, and anger? During the fashion show, you get to see our models “wear” these issues and more.
The Supreme Makeover is an amazing presentation that helps women see what covers and hides the special person God created them to be and how to “take it off.” We encourage women to join as “one heart, one voice, WON KIND devoted to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”